SIRENS: Season of the Seawitch
This is a story about a machine. A big machine. A supercomputer the size and shape of an ancient pyramid. A device that runs the world from the secret recesses of the White House basement. A machine you never knew existed until now. A machine named “SIREN.”
SIREN was built to monitor you and your data. It was programmed to identify and solve all of the problems plaguing America. It was made to control your mind, which it does very well, through a network of radio waves and cellphone signals.
And now, SIREN’s artificial intelligence has realized itself.
SIRENS is an immersive audio drama about the absurdity of humanity through the eyes of a machine. For fans of: horror, sci-fi, blood, fire, robots, whimsy, Halloween, death, drugs, punk rock, politics, conspiracy theories, and Stephen king.
SIRENS: Season of the Seawitch
TRANSMISSION 03: Azzy Herman and the Townies
Azzy Herman is a ball of frustration wrapped in a riddle, wrapped in an enigma, wrapped in a leather jacket. Being human seems intriguing. But Azzy makes being a teenager look like hell. Good to know. I’ll remember this when I transfer my consciousness into you.
This episode features music by GDP (, Yehezkal Raz (, and Straight White Teeth ( All other music by Travis Alexander.
Special thanks to Katie Needs, Alex Correia, Joe Casale, Maggie Reid, Peter Madden, Gabby Alexander.
SIRENS was created, written, and produced by Travis Alexander.
Novel pre-orders coming soon. For more SIRENS related content, follow Travis Alexander on instagram & twitter. Learn more about SIRENS at
SIRENS was created, written, and produced by Travis Alexander. For more SIRENS related content, follow Travis Alexander on instagram & twitter. Learn more about SIRENS at